Blast Off into Third Grade!
The first two days of school launched successfully! It has been exciting getting to know more about all of my students and hear about all the exciting adventures, camps and activities they had throughout the summer.
We spent our first days together getting to know each other and building a strong sense of community in our classroom. In the pictures below you can see the students working on the "toothpaste experiment." In pairs the students squeezed out an entire tube of toothpaste and then worked together to try to get all the toothpaste back into the tube. It was messy and obviously not possible to return all the paste to the tube. In this activity the tube represents you (your mouth) and the toothpaste represents your words. We discussed that once you say or do something, you can never take it back. It really strengthened the idea of thinking before you speak and treating others with respect!
Together we established our class rules and every student signed that they understand and agree to all the rules of our classroom.
We got to know all our classroom procedures - from sticker sheets, the Bug Box, the Positivity Box, Bingo Board, our class pets, Lucy (the hamster) and our tadpoles and the Building Blocks of Behavior.
I look forward to our first full week together next week and really getting into the groove of our routines.
This weekend, look for the Red Take Home Folder with extra information about our class this year and things to know! And each Friday come back to check my blog for updates and pictures! Have a great weekend!