Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Concert!

Good luck or if you are reading this after Friday night, Well Done!

I hope the Christmas Concert was wonderful.  I am truly sorry to miss it.  It is my Father-in-Law's 70th Birthday!  And they are throwing a party for him in Indiana at the same time the concert begins. 

I wish I could be there to see it, but from the rehearsals I have watched I know the kids will be amazing.

I cannot wait to hear all about how it went and to see pictures that I am having Mr. Goettl and Ms. Gaines take for me!  If you, parents, have any pictures to share please email me, I would love to see them!
Dear Students and Parents:

Mrs. Salmon will be travelling out of town for the holidays this year.  This means that I need some very responsible, helpful students to adopt Lucy, our hamster, as well as Reepicheep, our young frog, for the winter break.

They are both very low maintenance pets and all supplies will go home with the pet (food; treats; etc.) including a sheet of information about our classroom pets to get you through the week.

The cages/tank will not “need” to be cleaned for the couple weeks – but of course you can feel free to do so if you are inclined.

Of course, as much as the kids believe they rule the house, we know the parents do – so next week I will be looking for children who deserve this special privilege over the break – but also have the OK from their parents.

Please let me know if you would be OK taking home either of the animals, neither of the animals, or just one or the other.

On Wednesday, December 22nd, two lucky students will leave for break with one of our class pets in their care.

Thanks (in advance) for helping out and let me know if you have any questions.


Mrs. Salmon

Lucy's Home

Reepicheep's Home

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Homework: Tuesday, December 7, 2010

All School Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is tomorrow in the church at 9:15 a.m.

Bring in shoebox or a box of similar small size
If you have a petition for All School Mass tomorrow - please practice several times!

Read for 20 minutes OUT LOUD!

English/Language Arts:
Finish Spelling Sentences #8-15
Spelling Practice Book page 44

Math Workbook page 35

Spanish Quiz tomorrow - Study!

Rehearse with lyrics and recorder - really work on 2nd and 3rd verse of "Silent Night"

Monday, December 6, 2010

Homework: Monday, December 6, 2010

Please bring in Prince Caspian movie permission slip back to school signed tomorrow!
Bring a picture for your pen pal tomorrow!
Bring a shoe box or a box of similar size by Wednesday!

Read for 20 minutes OUT LOUD!

English/Language Arts:
Spelling Sentences #1-7

Math Workbook page 34

Spanish Test on Wednesday - Letter from Senorita in folder

Rehearse songs and playing the recorder
Remember to bring recorder tomorrow!!

The First Thanksgiving Play

In November, Third Grade did a special Social Studies Unit about the origins of Thanksgiving.  We learned about the English separatists and what that means; we learned that America was not their first stop - and Plymouth was not their planned destination.

Many don't realize what a long, hard journey it was and how Thanksgiving was not celebrated their first fall in America, nor was it celebrated the years following that first feast.

The kids displayed a great understanding of the struggle between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans - and how they worked together to get through the hard times.

I (finally) got the video to upload, so if you were not able to make it to the performance, of if you just want to watch again or share with other family - it is at long, last up on our blog!  It had to be broken into two parts for this to happen.