Monday, January 10, 2011

The Ancient Americans versus Americans Today!

Third Grade took a field trip to wrap up a Social Studies unit about communities in America. 

Beginning with our First Thanksgiving Unit, we had been studying how the Native American were the first to settle in our country and we capped it all off by visiting the Field Museum's Ancient Americas exhibit. 

The exhibit was not in chronological order but in order of how people have adapted to their environment and come up with ways to survive and prosper.  We examined how they tried hunting and gathering, farming, different types of leadership and worship. 

We also took a tour of the Pawnee Earth Lodge, a full-scale reconstruction of a typical lodge built by the Pawnee Indians of the Great Plains.

During the field trip, the students took notes about what they were seeing and all the facts that interested them.  When we returned to school, the class filled out Venn Diagrams comparing and contrasting the Ancient Americans ways of life to today's Americans.  The students then completed a writing assignment describing how we are alike and different.  These writing assignments can be seen on display as you enter the upstairs hallways.
The writing assignment...
The writing assignment and illustrations hanging in the hallway
A depiction of an American girl today versus an American girl long ago
A representation of a Pueblo Community
An illustration of the Pawnee Earth Lodge



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