Monday, April 18, 2011

Dancing Raisins!

On Monday we conducted a Science Experiment where we tried to get raisins to dance.  No, not like the California Raisins (although this joke was lost on the kids)...but real raisins.

What you need:
Clear soda
clear glass cup
corn kernels
pinto beans

First we filled the glass with soda.  Then we dropped in the pinto beans, most sunk, some floated. 
Then we tried the corn kernels - they bounced around.
Lastly, we got our dancing raisins - when plopped in the soda, the raisins are surrounded by the carbon dioxide in the soda (carbonation) and it causes the raisins to rise to the top, then the bubbles pop and the raisin sinks again - then back up.  And we had out Dancing Raisins!

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