Here are photos of each student and their posters! Congratulations on an excellent first science report to everyone! It was clear they worked hard and were interested in what they researched and learned about! I learned so much myself!
Delaney and the Red-Eyed Tree Frog Did you know they have red eyes to shock and scare predators? Delaney did! |
Brendan and the Cobra! Did you know the cobra is the only snake to make a nest for its young? Brendan did! |
Caroline and the Goldfish! Did you know the goldfish is native to China and can live 25-28 years! Caroline did! |
Angelina and the Sea Turtle! Did you know Sea Turtles cannot have babies until they are 25 years old? Angelina did! |
Lance and the Garter Snake! Did you know the garter snake communicates by flicking its tongue? Lance did! |
Mary and the Blotched Salamander! Did you know there are 400 species of salamanders and salamander means "from flames?" Mary did! |
Maggie and the Beta Fish! Did you know that beta fish are very aggressive and if 3 are put together, 1 will wait while the other 2 fight? Maggie did! |
Trent and the Tiger Shark! Did you know the tiger shark likes to stay near the bottom of the ocean floor and they are almost extinct? Trent did! |
Maddie and the Whale Shark! Did you know the whale shark's mouth can open 4 feet wide!? Maddie did! |
Clive and the Pacman Frog! Did you know the pacman frog opens its mouth so large and swallows its prey? Clive did! |
Oscar and the Red Salamander! Did you know salamanders can make not sound at all and they don't have lungs!? Oscar did! |
Jane and the Parakeet! Did you know the parakeet is the most popular pet in the USA and they are part of the parrot family? Jane did! |
Kaya and the Toucan! Did you know the toucan's beak is about one third of its body but very light? Kaya did! |
Valerie and the Mockingbird! Did you know the mockingbird mocks all kinds of sounds like people, other animals and car alarms? Valerie did! |
Katie and the Ostrich! Did you know the ostrich's foot looks like a dinosaur and they have been around since before the dinosaurs? Katie did! |
Patrick and the Crocodile! Did you know the crocodile's stomach is only the size of a baseball?! Patrick did! |
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