Their focus given their research on both the mammal and its environment was on the adaptations the mammal has developed to survive and prosper in their ecosystem.
Kudos to every student on a job well done!
Angelina taught us about river otters from the wetland Did you know that they have clear eyelids so they can see under water but not hurt their eyes |
Brendan taught us about the wolf from the forest Did you know that wolves' stomachs can hold 20 pounds of food? |
Clive taught us about the camel from the desert Did you know camels have thick hairy lips to protect them if they eat or drink from a cactus? |
Delaney taught us about the white-tailed prairie dog from the grassland Did you know that if a young prairie dog gets lost another family will adopt it - but will turn away a lost adult? |
Jane taught us about the black-tailed prairie dog from the grassland Did you know that black-tailed prairie dogs don't really need to drink water because they get enough from the foods they eat? |
Katie taught us about the tree kangaroo from the forest Did you know that they are endangered and they get their name because they have pouches to carry their young? |
Kaya taught us about the harp seal from the tundra Did you know that they get their name because they have a harp design on their backs and they can stay under water for 30 minutes! |
Lance taught us about the raccoon from the wetlands Did you know that they go into a threat posture to scare or intimidate predators? |
Maddie taught us about the American pika from the tundra Did you know the male sings during the mating season and baby pikas are born hairless? |
Maggie taught us about the cheetah from the grassland Did you know that cheetahs are endangered and that rulers in Egypt and India use to tame cheetahs? |
Mary taught us about muskrats from the wetland Did you know that they got their name from the musky odor they give off and that they have scent glands in their tails? |
Oscar taught us about the arctic fox from the tundra Did you know that they have the warmest fur of any mammal? |
Patrick taught us about the leopard from the forest Did you know that a leopard sounds like an elephant when it is crying but can be extremely quiet to stalk their prey? |
Trent taught us about the meerkat from the desert Did you know that its tail can be as long as its body and they use this to stand or look bigger? |
Valerie taught us about the black gibbon monkey from the forest Did you know that they can be heard from a mile away? |
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