Friday, September 3, 2010

Great First Full Week!

It was a great first full week back!  We have really gotten back into the groove of school.

We began our class read aloud, which is the first in the Chronicles of Narnia series, The Magician's Nephew.  The students have been enjoying the story.  They are making great predictions, discovering new vocabulary and make text-to-text, text-to-life and text-to-world connections as we read.  I am so impressed at the great discussions that generate from the students as we follow the story.

This week we reviewed summarizing and retelling what we have read.  We have also started working with our guided reading level letters and Reading Workshop will begin on Monday using our Reader's Notebook and literacy centers.

In writing, we reviewed the concepts of a complete sentence, going over the mechanics of writing (capitalization, punctuation, statements versus questions).  This has set us up to begin diving into our Writing Workshop next week using our writing binders.

Math is going very well, with review of place-value and how to read, write, compare and order numbers.  Topic 1 Test will be at the end of next week.

In Science, we discussed plants and how they grow.  We talked about the important parts of a plant and what each part does to help a plant survive.  The below pictures are from our Science Observations.  The students explored the courtyard for various plants, leaves, trees and wrote their observations down in their journal.  Next week, the students will continue to study plants and get to grow their own plants from beans and seeds.


In Social Studies, we went over some of our country's historical documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  We also reviewed map skills and the various types of subjects all within Social Studies.  Next week, we will begin our unit about Life in Communities.

In Religion, we have a class prayer leader that leads our class in a discussions and religion reading.  We will also be attending weekly Mass every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. if you are ever able to join us!

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  See the kids on Tuesday!

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