Friday, September 17, 2010

Third Grade is Germinating!

Ask your children and you will hear that, of course, germinating means growing or sprouting.

The school garden in the playground has begun to grow and you can see some plants sprouting out of the soil.  In addition, in Science we have concluded our unit on Plants by conducting our own science experiment about germination.

Each student had lima beans, red kidney beans and sunflower seeds and we placed them in a ziploc bag with a moist paper towel to see if they would grow.  Each student wrote their hypothesis down and then on Thursday we examined the beans to see what occurred.  I could describe the results myself, but I thought you would enjoy seeing the kids examine and discuss their findings.  Below are two videos of the students examining their beans and writing observations and their conclusions.

We are nearing the conclusion of The Magician's Nephew, and the kids have made excellent connections with this story and really led great discussions about the characters and plot.  Ask your students how this book connects to Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden!

In Social Studies, we discussed how we leave in an urban community which is different from a rural or suburban community.  However, after talking about the differences we also pointed out that all communities regardless of type have people, places to live, work and play in common.

In Math, we are starting our chapter on whole number addition and then on to whole number subtraction.

I look forward to seeing everyone at Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 23 at 7 p.m. beginning in the Church.  The kids have a very special surprise in store for you!

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